Center for Community Organizing:
A Home for Civic Power
7518 South Vermont Avenue is the future home of Community Coalition’s Center for Community Organizing (CCO), a national school for community organizers, civic leadership training, movement strategy and exchanges, and generator of new narratives. As a steward of permanence, we own land. Purchasing this land was born from our founding members experiences and understanding the significance of
ownership in preserving historic communities.
VISION: A People’s Center that harnesses the power of communities and supports activists nationwide in multi-racial organizing.
CoCo is a social justice organization that centers everyday people in driving change. Through our organizing Fellowships, Community Coalition continues our commitment to developing the next generation of organizers who are dedicated to transforming social and economic conditions.
Fellows from all over the country receive in-depth training in the theory of social change and the art and science of community organizing through hands-on application in place-based action campaigns.

Equips people and organizations with the skills, confidence, and connections to create social change. It generates strategy, creates narratives to win hearts and minds, designs art, produces campaigns, and brings to life a new world rooted in dignity, humanity, connection, and justice.

We nurture the ideas, dreams, and visions of the disenfranchised, marginalized, othered, and oppressed. Civic leadership programs work to strengthen local participatory democracy.

We strive to serve as a sanctuary for our community to unite in times of crisis and opportunity. Healing community practices are vital in the long-term fight against systemic racism centered on justice and Black liberation.

CCO serves as a space for other organizations to collaborate to advance opportunity in marginalized communities. The Center works in solidarity with communities locally and nationally committed to building leadership from the bottom up.

Artists and storytellers tell the history of struggle, reimagine new futures, and incubate cultural strategies that inspire large numbers of people to enact social and political change.