In Case You Missed It: Community Coalition Named in the Top 100 Nonprofits in District 28

01 Jul In Case You Missed It: Community Coalition Named in the Top 100 Nonprofits in District 28

During June, Senator Lola Smallwood-Cuevas’ staff visited nonprofits throughout the 28th District to present certificates of recognition to orgs for making a positive difference in the lives of those they serve.

“To recognize dedicated nonprofit organizations across our state, I recently co-authored SCR 142 that officially declared June 5 as California Nonprofits Day,” said Senator Smallwood-Cuevas. “As part of this statewide recognition, … we have also awarded Certificates of Recognition to more than 100 other nonprofits throughout the 28th District to acknowledge their tremendous impact in our communities.”

Community Coalition (CoCo) is a grassroots organization composed primarily of youth and adult residents of South Los Angeles. Founded in 1990, CoCo unites the voices of Black, Brown, Indigenous, and people of color to bring about social change together. CoCo works on the frontlines of social change with a goal to dismantle systemic racism and economic inequity that keep our communities from thriving.

CoCo focuses on the root causes of problems to create sustainable change beyond short-term solutions. By involving thousands of community members in issue campaigns, our work ensures that solutions are rooted in the community’s needs and aspirations. This approach leads to more effective and long-lasting change that can withstand challenges and continue to benefit the community in the future.

Our mission is to transform the social and economic conditions that foster addiction, crime, violence, and poverty by building a community institution that involves thousands in creating, influencing, and changing public policy. 

As a powerful united voice, Community Coalition is unwavering in its dedication to using our vast platform to elevate local organizing efforts and advance racial and economic justice initiatives, a commitment that should reassure and inspire confidence in our audience.

“We know that those closest to problems are the ones who are also closest to the solutions.  Community organizing empowers people to take control of their lives and destinies. It provides a toolbox for everyone to develop leadership skills, gain confidence, and become active participants in shaping their communities.  Organizers don’t just make statements; we make a difference in people’s lives,” states Alberto Retana, CEO & President of Community Coalition. 

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