In Case You Missed It Monday: South Central Youth Empowered thru Action Celebrated its Graduating Class of 2024

07 Jun In Case You Missed It Monday: South Central Youth Empowered thru Action Celebrated its Graduating Class of 2024

For more than 33 years, South Central Youth Empowered thru Action’s (SCYEA’s) purpose has been to develop the next generation of empowered youth leaders and their parents to improve public education, close the achievement gap, and dismantle the “School-to-Prison Pipeline.” CoCo youth leaders learn the principles of community organizing and skills that develop their individual leadership styles. Most importantly, as these young leaders graduate from high school they will use their power and impact to transform their communities and the world.

South Central Youth Empowered thru Action’s 2024 Graduating Seniors

CoCo’s SCYEA high school seniors worked tirelessly last fall and this spring on their college applications and life plans beyond their high school diplomas. We are so proud of our Class of 2024 youth leaders who will continue to fight for equity and be models for academic and leadership success on college campuses and beyond. 

See what some of our Seniors have planned after graduation

NIKE Swag!

Our Seniors admiring their new swag!

Our graduates not only received recognition for their hard work from the Community Coalition, but also our partner, The Jordan Wings Foundation. The Wings Foundation recognizes the power of collaboration in driving social change and improving the lives of individuals and communities in need. By partnering with community organizations like CoCo, the Jordan Wings Foundation empowers youth through education and mentorship programs. The foundation provides young people with access to quality education via full 4-year scholarships to the schools of youths choice, mentorship opportunities, and resources that help them unlock their full potential and pursue their dreams.

In addition to leadership development and community service, SCYEA provides a platform for youth to advocate for positive change. Participants are encouraged to voice their opinions, raise awareness about important issues, and work towards policy changes that benefit their communities. Through advocacy efforts, SCYEA empowers young people to become active citizens and contribute to the betterment of society.

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